Als Bundeskanzler Kurt Schuschnigg am 11. März 1938 um 19.47 Uhr über den Rundfunk seine historische Abschiedsrede hielt, die er mit den Worten "Gott schütze Österreich" schloß, war dies der ...
The Anschluss (union) was not seen as a threat to Britain and, as both nations were German-speaking, there was a sense that there was no good reason why Austria and Germany shouldn't unify.
The Anschluss (the annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany in 1938) was welcomed by many Austrians; they believe that Germany would rescue the county from high unemployment and poverty.
It is organized by the Austrian Mauthausen Committee. Following the 1938 Anschluss, Austria became a part of Nazi Germany. Restoration of its statehood began after its liberation from Nazis and ...
Dem SCR Altach ist auch zum Start der Frühjahrssaison in der Bundesliga kein Befreiungsschlag gelungen. Die Vorarlberger ...