Want to know more about biking to school with kids? Our new Hill Family Biking advice column has got you covered!
Police departments in northern Utah are warning about teens driving motorized vehicles too fast, too recklessly or both.
With over 200 schools within a half-mile, Central Park could be a model for Safe Routes to School and help lead a ...
The City of La Crosse invited kids to learn some new skills on two wheels Thursday night. City officials, the county's Safe ...
A school morning typically starts with students getting out of their parents’ cars or hopping off the school bus. But once a ...
In one Worthington community, the morning commute to school is being made more fun and safer for bicyclists. That’s being ...
What better way to enjoy the Milwaukee County Zoo than on a bike? Katie Krecklow from the Milwaukee Zoological Society joined FOX6 to introduce some young riders.
Last school year, the nonprofit organization Move Santa Barbara reportedly taught more than 6,000 students bike safety and ...
On Monday evening, Tara Okhovatian placed a ghost bike outside of Sugar Mill Elementary to honor ShaoLan Kamaly, a student ...
Summit County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Sgt. Skyler Talbot said deputies are receiving more and more reports of kids ...
Ten thousand people cycled about 20 miles on bicycles for the 2024 DC Bike Ride around the nation’s capital Saturday morning.