People are mourning a young man's death following a shooting near a hookah lounge in South Nashville early Monday morning, which has resulted in three arrests.
Mayor Freddie O’Connell said that the City of Nashville is being “very risk-minded” when he asked about possible federal funding cuts during his roundtable discussion on Friday morning.
Ashley Dominguez, 18, was mortally wounded when they car she was a passenger in was fired upon outside an "after hours club" in December.
The man Nashville police initially identified as the robbery victim during a scuffle outside the Mall at Green Hills earlier this month is now wanted in connection with the fatal shooting of a ...
Metro Nashville Police said they believe Eric Lebron Hale, 53, shot his girlfriend, Cheron Sanders, 47, before shooting and killing himself inside their apartment on Baby Ruth Lane in Antioch shortly ...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — People are mourning a young man’s death following a shooting near a hookah lounge in South Nashville early Monday morning, which has resulted in three arrests.