Animals may be listed or indexed by many criteria, including taxonomy, status as endangered species, their geographical location, and their portrayal and/or naming in human culture.
or Priapulida); Sowerby (Serpula ornata); Polychaete scale-worm (Hermione hysterix, or Laetmonice hystrix); Tetrastemma (Tetrastemma obscurum, or Tetrastemma ambiguum). Woodcut engraving, published in ...
Our collections cover all of the living invertebrate phyla, including Onychophora (velvet worms), Chaetognatha (arrow worms), Gastrotricha (hairybacks), Kinorhyncha (mud dragons), Nemertea (ribbon ...
Fossil invertebrate animals (animals without backbones) are a wondrously diverse group with a fossil record spanning over 600 million years. Their abundance, diversity, and wide range of adaptations ...
Natural history collections provide unique information on earth's biological and geological diversity through time and space. Embracing technological innovations, collecting for the future and working ...
Este tipo de mancha sensorial también reciben el nombre de flosculum, ya que recuerda los órganos sensoriales de Priapulida y Loricifera. Tipo 4. Están formadas por un parche circular de numerosas ...
Aotearoa New Zealand’s marine biodiversity checklist has been updated, representing an increase of 3,630 known living species since the turn of the century. The Marine Biota of Aotearoa New Zealand ...
The links below provide up to date information on the current taxonomy of the kingdom Animalia. Since the current displays in the Zoology Museum were installed in the late 1980s there have been many ...