Slowly, the images started coming back to her ... Mineola Dozier Smith, 94, was on the bus the day Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat for a white man. “I was a little bit afraid.
In December 1955, Rosa Parks’ refusal as a Black woman to give up her seat on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama, sparked a citywide bus boycott. That protest came to a successful ...
4. After the video Continue with the final images of the gallery slide show. The suggested text is as follows. IMAGE 7: Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat on the bus - and charged ...
On Transit Equity Day, TheRide is honoring Rosa Parks by reserving a seat for her on each bus with a sign commemorating her ...
After Parks died in 2005, Metro said it refurbished a bus similar to the one she protested on, with the exterior of the bus reading "It All Started on a Bus: Rosa Parks, 1913-2005; The Mother of ...
John Goodwin/Getty Images King was a relative newcomer when ... the city will be reserving one seat on every Montgomery bus in Rosa Parks’s honor.
The Library of Congress image, taken in Detroit in March 1973, shows the late civil rights leader Rosa ... bus system, a pivotal event in the modern Civil Rights Movement. The way Parks took ...
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Often overshadowed by the more widely-known story of Rosa Parks, Claudette Colvin 's bravery on March 2, 1955, was a powerful testament to the spirit of resistance and the ...
4. After the video Continue with the final images of the slideshow. The suggested text is as follows: Image 7: Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat on the bus - and charged with ...