The coalition deal presented Thursday says the parties in the new government are “committed to the European Union as the ...
Christian Stocker has been sworn in as Austrian chancellor as the country’s new government takes office after a five-month ...
The new government takes office after two years of recession, and plans spending cuts and tax hikes on big business to bring ...
VIENNA (AP) — The new Austrian government said Wednesday that family reunion procedures for migrants will be immediately halted because the country is no longer able to absorb newcomers adequately.
Austria's new three-party coalition government comprising the conservative Austrian People's Party (ÖVP), the Social ...
The Conservative People's Party, Social Democrats and the liberal Neos will present a 'common program' after deal.
Austria will not accept asylum seekers turned back at the German border, the Interior Ministry in Vienna told dpa on Sunday ...
Austria's new government, led by Christian Stocker, assumes power, introducing the nation's first three-party coalition. The ...
Austria swears in its first three-party coalition since World War Two. The conservative People's Party, Social Democrats, and liberal Neos form the government, excluding the far-right Freedom Party ...
Its coalition agreement, presented on Thursday after the longest negotiations in post-World War II Austria, also foresees strict new asylum rules in the European Union country of 9 million people.
Three parties announced Thursday that they have reached a deal to form a new centrist Austrian government, five months after an election was won by a far-right party that later failed in an attempt to ...