Targeted therapy revolutionized cancer treatment, with gene fusions leading the way when the FDA approved imatinib in 2001 to ...
carrying out DNA fingerprinting, forensic analysis, and molecular cloning, diagnosing genetic diseases, and detecting pathogens such as Hepatitis B and C viruses, Chlamydia trachomatis ...
POLK expression in neurons and report an important observation that POLK exhibits an age-dependent change in subcellular localization, from the nucleus in young tissue to the cytoplasm in old tissue.
What is DNA, and how does it work? You don't need a degree in genetics to understand. Here, we'll give an overview of DNA and ...
Experts have revealed the origins of a unique DNA duplication mechanism that grants plants additional ways to control genetic instructions.
A Legend Reborn Teaser! [unCAGEDgamez Reaction] SUBSCRIBE! Never Miss A Video: <a href=" long time ago, I played a game ...
Geneticists looking inside the nuclear genome for mutations that contribute to disease have long relied on a principal known ...
A chemical in common-use plastics may cause DNA damage and infertility in women, a new Harvard Medical School study shows.
Investigation shows how bacterial adhesins contribute to colon cancer mutations, suggesting new avenues for therapeutic ...
Tiny circles called ecDNA are critical in cancer development and drug resistance. An international team publishes landmark studies detailing new findings and potential therapies.