Google says it is in the process of removing the "state" designation from Canadian government buildings, as well as provincial parks, following widespread backlash. On Monday, the company said it ...
Disclaimer Statement: This content is authored by a 3rd party. The views expressed here are that of the respective authors/ entities and do not represent the views of Economic Times (ET). ET does not ...
In response to the uproar, BC Parks contacted the tech giant this week to request a unique label for provincial parks. "Thanks to the quick work by our BC Parks team with Google Canada ...
Google search, Google Maps and Google business listings are now all being updated to recognize provincial parks in BC as 'provincial' parks, not 'state' parks. This story blew up on Monday when people ...
Local media confirmed a handful of provincial parks in British Columbia and Alberta were labeled "state parks" Monday. The minister of Environment and Parks in British Columbia, Tamara Davidson ...
Local media confirmed a handful of provincial parks in British Columbia and Alberta were labeled "state parks" Monday. {{#rendered}} {{/rendered}} The minister of Environment and Parks in British ...
For example, both provincial and state parks are managed by the Canadian and U.S. government, respectively. BC Parks, where many of the mislabelled provincial parks are located, said it was aware ...
“[We should] start a movement to bombard Google to stop messing with the facts.” BC Parks even got involved. The provincial agency reached out to Google to request the parks’ labels be changed from ...
Tamara Davidson, British Columbia's minister of Environment and Parks, reportedly requested Google issue an update to clarify that these are provincial parks after hearing from her constituents.