Highway 686 would be paved and extended over 200 km through thick muskeg and boreal forest to connect Fort McMurray to the Peace River region and communities in-between.
Commercial losses in Canada were well over $1 billion last year, as severe weather events tore through the country.  New data published by the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) determined that last ...
Muted wildfire activity is giving Alberta's government optimism after last year's grim start to the season, but experts say ...
Muted wildfire activity is giving Alberta's government optimism after last year's grim start to the season, but experts say ...
Data from Catastrophe Indices and Quantification Inc. (CatIQ) showed that insured losses to commercial properties due to ...
The City of Edmonton is developing a wildfire strategy to mitigate risks within the municipality and help neighbouring regions, the city's emergency advisory committee heard Wednesday.
About 6,600 residents in Fort McMurray, Alta., evacuated in May as a fire crept into the city. It was ravaged by fire in 2016. Emergency funding for Alberta's disaster response is getting a major ...
The hospital’s entrances will have barriers at flood level and its mechanical and electrical services will be situated more ...