Vision Engineering, UK designer, manufacturer and exporter of ergonomic microscopes and measuring systems, today announces a new entry product for its patented optical stereo microscope ... in ...
Gravitational lenses bend and focus light from the more distant cosmos, offering astronomers a cheat code for chronicling the ...
The stereo microscope is often used to study the surfaces of solid specimens or to carry out close work such as dissection, microsurgery, watch-making, circuit board manufacture or inspection, and ...
Now physicists at the University of Arizona have developed the world’s fastest electron microscope to capture events lasting just one quintillionth of a second. A good camera, with a shutter ...
Mohammed Hassan, a UA associate professor of physics and optical sciences, likens transmission electron microscopes to a smartphone’s camera. “When you get the latest version of a smartphone ...
The motion of whizzing electrons has been captured like never before. Researchers have developed a laser-based microscope that snaps images at attosecond — or a billionth of a billionth of a ...
Vision Engineering, UK designer, manufacturer and exporter of ergonomic microscopes and measuring systems, has announced a new sub £1k entry point for its patented optical stereo microscope technology ...
The magnification of a microscope is not the only factor that’s important when viewing cells. The detail that can be seen is also important. Think about a digital photo. It can be enlarged ...