Louisiana's black bear became part of American culture when President Teddy Roosevelt refused to shoot one that had been trapped and tied to a tree.
In 1909, wealthy widow Susie W. Allgood marketed a plush marsupial inspired by President William Howard Taft. But children thought the toy looked "too much like a rat," and it sold poorly ...
He issued 217 Executive Orders. After Grant, there was a reduction in the number of Executive Orders until Republican Theordore Roosevelt. Teddy issued 1,081 which was gargantuan given the ...
I think not. Teddy Roosevelt is renowned for preserving millions of acres of national parks, but that pales in environmental comparison to what Trump did during Puerto Rico’s natural disaster.
But McKinley urged caution; Kern said McKinley was accused of being "weak-kneed and vacillating" by a lot of people, including his own Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt.
One day over 30 years ago, President Theodore Roosevelt strode into a swanky Fifth Avenue ... and now a Pittsfield tailor. Teddy peered at the youthful coatmaker through his familiar chained ...
Can the term lobbying be traced to a hotel in Washington, D.C.? Did Teddy Roosevelt’s stay at a Colorado hotel inspire teddy bears?
In November 1902, President Theodore ... in Roosevelt’s entourage wanted the president to shoot the bear, but he refused on the grounds of sportsmanship. Clifford Berryman published a cartoon ...
Roosevelt’s refusal was subsequently caricatured in a popular editorial cartoon entitled “Drawing the Line ... is the author of a children’s book entitled Holt And The Teddy Bear about Theodore ...
Today marks the day in 1903, when Morris Michtom, a small toy store owner, put two stuffed bears in his Brooklyn shop window for sale. Inspired by a story about then-US President Theodore Roosevelt, ...