Made out of torpedo shells and pulled by tanks, the improvised infantry tactic saw heavy used during fighting in Italy.
More than 130 world leaders will meet at the United Nations next week, faced with wars in the Middle East and Europe ...
In the 20 years since Mandela warned, the US has continued in its violent and aggressive ways, cloaking its violence and aggression.
In 1966, the USS Oriskany experienced a catastrophic fire caused by the mishandling of a magnesium flare, resulting in 44 ...
News that $6 billion worth of outstanding U.S. military aid to Ukraine could expire by the end of September if Congress doesn ...
The world's most expensive painting ever sold is by the renowned artist Leonardo Da Vinci, and no it's not the Mona Lisa.
China is increasingly engaged in international peacemaking efforts through mediation, peacekeeping, and conflict management.