The city school district is looking to raise property taxes by 22 percent, generating about 17 million dollars annually.
The Siena College Research Institute released another poll on Thursday, this time surveying likely voters in New York State.
The YouGov poll showed the Yes vote increasing by four points, while No dropped by the same number. The headline figures exclude those who would not vote or are undecided. With those groups ...
“Weight” the answers you got accordingly in order to extrapolate the opinions of the people you talked to into an estimate of ...
He tells Bernard Woolley, the prime minister’s principal private secretary, played by Derek Fowlds, to commission another poll showing ... cent said yes and 38 per cent said no. Sample B were ...
Polymarket, an online platform where users can place "yes" or "no" bets on the likelihood of ... That appears to be a ...
Former Better Together boss Blair McDougall was speaking on the 10th anniversary of Scots voting against independence.
Amendment 4 states that “no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to ...
To the editor, On November 5, 2024, the people of the Eastwood School District will be asked to support the Pemberville ...
Condolences on the death of your pet, but get back to work is the attitude of most readers.
But while some are saying ‘vote yes,’ others are chanting ‘vote no.’ Expanding 526 has become controversial among many county residents. Some argue the project will do the exact opposite o ...
Five polls conducted in September and October on average put No on 51% (once those saying Don't Know were excluded) while Yes were credited with 49%. However, four polls conducted since the ...