Juliana Pasquarosa is one of the remaining contestants on season 29 of "The Bachelor." Here's what to know about the client ...
The couple landed at a castle in the Scottish countryside, which Pasquarosa described as a fairytale. After changing into ...
The Bachelor’ season 29 star Juliana Pasquarosa comes from a ‘big Italian family’ and hopes to find a love like her parents ...
The situation with Carolina comes to a head this week on "The Bachelor." Will Grant put her through to the hometown dates?
Nicholas Prosper pleaded guilty to murder in court on Monday, Feb. 24 for shooting dead his mother Juliana Falcon, brother ...
Juliana and Grant on The Bachelor Season 29 Episode 5 went on a one-on-one date together and the fans are in awe of the night ...
Juliana Olayode has blasted ladies crushing on Nathaniel Bassey while the Hallelujah Challenge programme is ongoing. She ...
Here's a quick recap of "The Bachelor" week 5, which women are moving on to hometown dates and who is rumored to win Ellis's heart in the end.
Nicholas Prosper pleaded guilty to the murders of Juliana Falcon, 48, Giselle Prosper, 13, and Kyle Prosper, 16, at Luton ...
Grant has spent more one-on-one time with the three eliminated contestants — Carolina Quixano, Sarafiena Watkins, and Alexe ...
Married for 50 years and longer, they were among 202 couples honoured for their strong and committed marriages at the recent ...