This is it, my friends! It happened! We finally found someone willing to take over and continue our business. In the year of our 25th anniversary, in June – precisely the month the first ever issue of ...
Tele2 opened on Wednesday a 3,000-kilometre long high-speed fibre-optic data communication channel between Tallinn and Frankfurt, LETA/Postimees Online reports. Tele2 said that the first encrypted ...
1 July, councilmen from the recently-elected Riga City Council voted in Nils Usakovs (Harmony Center) as Riga mayor. 37 councilmen voted for Usakovs, whilst 21 city councilmen voted for the other ...
The key objective of the central bank's monetary policy is to facilitate the favourable macroeconomic environment for growth of the national economy in the long term. The course of global economic ...
Latvian Football Federation has launched internal investigation following last week's Latvian Higher League (Virsliga) Winter Cup match between Babite and Lithuanian football club Marijampole Suduva, ...
Latvia’s President Valdis Zatlers told a press conference today that he has decided to nominate the European Parliament Member Valdis Dombrovskis (New Era) as the prime minister. Valdis Dombrovskis.
Iron Capital OÜ has acquired the cinema Kosmos building in central Tallinn, reports news service BBN referring to Äripäev. The company bid 770,000 euros for the building that is under architectural ...
Lithuania and Finland, two Nordic-Baltic sisters, are interconnected by long-ranging historical, political, and cultural links. It is great to state the fact that Lithuania and Finland have truly deep ...
Зарегистрированная в Люксембурге и принадлежащая российскому миллионеру Игорю Шамису ...
Компания по перевозке грузов LG Cargo, являющаяся дочерним предприятием литовской государственной железнодорожной компании Lietuvos gelezinkeliai ...
Не исключено, что Юрмальская дума примет участие в аукционе по продаже санатория "Кемери", так как на прошлой неделе прошли переговоры с ...
Латышский математик Дайна Тайминя стала лауреатом ежегодной премии "Diagram", которую за самое странное название книги ежегодно присуждает ...