Rwandan-backed M23 rebels who in late January captured Goma, the biggest city in eastern Congo, have since been advancing around one of Africa's great lakes, Lake Kivu, towards the second-biggest city ...
(Illustration photo — The interior view of Notre Dame de la Sagesse at the University of Kinshasa (Photo by Wikimedia ... Democratic Republic of the Congo’s Justice Minister Constant Mutamba ...
USAID staffers stranded in Washington after abrupt program shutdowns, facing joblessness and no agency support, affidavits ...
THE African Union is in deep slumber as the Democratic Republic of Congo bleeds. Over 900 people were reported killed in Goma ...
Analysts say the deadly march by Rwanda-backed rebels across eastern Congo could widen into a regional conflict drawing in ...
The Democratic Republic of Congo has been mired in conflict for years. As fresh fighting surges in the east, the roots of ...
La cheffe de la diplomatie congolaise a demandé, le 31 janvier, aux clubs du Paris Saint-Germain, du Bayern Munich et ...
Les 47 États membres du Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU ont accepté de lancer vendredi une enquête sur les exactions ...
Ombeni ran out the office and into the street, where crowds tried to dodge bullets and vehicles speeding through the city, ...
Worst may be yet to come’ says UN human rights chief as DRC and Rwanda deny responsibility and blame one another.
GENÈVE (Reuters) - Le Haut-Commissaire des Nations Unies aux droits de l'homme a exprimé vendredi sa profonde préoccupation ...
Jean-Jacques Wondo, expert militaire belgo-congolais, est arrivé à la gare de Bruxelles-Midi mercredi après-midi, sous les ...