Operation BabyLift was a program to fly Vietnam orphans out of the country to America. Nearly 50 years later, an amazing bond has formed between a veteran and an orphan because of a teddy bear.
This is all in keeping with Vietnam’s long-held foreign policy principles of being friends with everyone but avoiding all formal alliances - what the communist party leadership now calls ...
Billy Hall enlisted in the Marine Corps at the age of 15 in 1941, four months before the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
We’re remembering the sacrifice of the four chaplains who gave their life preservers to people on the ship that was torpedoed,” Philip Gabbert, an Air Force veteran said.
Vietnam's Communist Party General Secretary To Lam held talks with Singaporean Prime Minister Lawrence Wong in the city state ...
Wayne Smith is known as the teddy bear veteran because he hands stuffed animals out to kids and pretty much everyone he meets ...