Hyderabad: The latest Statistical Abstract report for Telangana showcases promising growth across multiple sectors, ...
It has been widely reported that Australians have suffered one of the largest declines in real per capita household ...
With a robust growth rate of 12.9% annually, Telangana outperforms southern states, boosting per capita income and industrial ...
Nigeria's per capita income has slumped to an all-time low due to productivity bottlenecks and unstable macroeconomic ...
A Senior Assistant Editor in TOI with an inclination towards political reporting. Covers chief minister office, Congress and ...
Those on the left who are verbally assaulting the new Trump administration are the ideologues. They are in love with empty ...
Aside from the sharp fall in GDP per capita, Nigeria has also dropped from being the largest economy in Africa to the fourth ...
China’s per-capita property income grew at its lowest rate for over a decade in 2024, trimming disposable incomes and limiting consumption.
Odisha's economy is estimated to grow by 7.2 per cent in the current financial year, which is higher than the all-India ...
Telangana State Statistical Abstract, brought out by State Development Planning Society of Planning Department, points out in ...
GDP is the total value of goods and services produced in a country divided by the number of full-time residents.
A significant portion of the population does not participate in the tax system, limiting the potential impact of such relief ...