For slightly more accurate maps, people can employ elevation tables and plots of the lunar limb — the edge ... “Beginning ...
Researchers looking for objects in the Kuiper Belt – the donut-shaped region beyond the orbit of Neptune containing icy ...
The short answer is that the temperature of a hot object determines the shape and position of the ... Beta Cygni Aa is a ...
A new catalog providing information on millions of distant galaxies, which determines their distances with unprecedented ...
Now, however, Pluto and that part of the solar system has moved away from the backdrop of the Milky Way into a sparser region of the night sky. With its Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC), Subaru has discovered ...
The possibility that black holes may be lurking within the solar system is a tantalizing prospect for astrophysicists. Recent ...
EARTH could collide with its deadly cosmic neighbour, Apophis, an asteroid 1,100ft (335m) wide, should a rare chain event ...
A chance encounter with another asteroid could steer Apophis destructively close to Earth during a future passage.
Long-sought evidence of alien life could lurk in Earth's oceans, or in 'weird' objects orbiting near our planet, Harvard ...
Some of the best camping of the year happens during the fall months. These are the items that I take on every trip.