E n octobre prochain, on commémorera le centenaire de la mort d’ Anatole France (1844-1924). Avec lui disparaissait l’un des ...
C'est un cadavre qui a été trouvé, le 13 juillet 2011, dans une valise, flottant au large de Lorient. Le corps d'un homme, sans signe distinctif, sans papiers d'identité, que personne n'a réclamé. Pen ...
There are two UN Conventions on Statelessness. They seek to protect people who are currently stateless and prevent and end statelessness globally. Countries decide who their nationals are, setting ...
The Security Council, the United Nations’ principal crisis-management body, is empowered to impose binding obligations on the 193 UN member states to maintain peace. The Security Council’s ...
Its publication comes before the first major UN water summit since 1977. Thousands of delegates will attend the three-day gathering in New York which begins on Wednesday. UN Secretary General ...
Le surréalisme, né en 1924 avec la publication du « Manifeste du surréalisme » d’André Breton, fête ses 100 ans, l’occasion d ...
Et perduré près d’un demi-siècle, de 1924 jusqu’à la date de sa dissolution officielle, en 1969 – et non en 1940 comme en étaient convenus les historiens ...
Sea levels are rising faster in the western tropical Pacific because of where the melting ice from western Antarctica heads, warmer waters and ocean currents, UN officials said. Guterres said he ...
Suite à la découverte de deux pieds dans une étendue d'eau des Yvelines, les habitants de ce petit village ont accepté de se ...
Worldwide, over 100 million people have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, violence and persecution. We believe that young people have a central role to play in finding ways to help them ...
European commissioner for the internal market, Thierry Breton, at a meeting of EU foreign ... Lecture du Monde en cours sur un autre appareil. Ce message s’affichera sur l’autre appareil.
A senior United Nations official says more than 16 months of war in Sudan has killed more than 20,000 people, a grim figure amid a devastating conflict that wrecked the northeastern African ...