The National Weather Service says an outbreak of severe storms could spawn tornadoes, heavy snow and high winds.
Landlords in Los Angeles and Orange counties have jacked up rents at more than twice the national rate since the wildfires.
California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara said he plans to approve a 22% emergency rate increase for State Farm ...
From road closures and top runners to race day events and where to watch, here are 10 essential things to know before race day.
The city of Los Angeles is expected to pay at least $320 million in settlements and judgments this fiscal year. An LAist analysis breaks down those claims and what it means for the city.
Southern California Edison is set to begin testing electrical equipment in Eaton Canyon on Monday, marking the utility's first close-up physical inspections since the start of the Eaton fire.
The federal government owns more than 90% of California’s public lands. Firing San Diego immigration court judges won’t help ...
Bryan Fischer is in Charlotte for the ACC tournament, where the biggest story Thursday was Cooper Flagg’s ankle injury. Flagg is unlikely to play for the rest of the conference tournament, and his ...
Closed, because the Eaton fire wiped out more than 6,000 homes in Altadena. Because the park was damaged and is surrounded by ...
Commissioner Ricardo Lara Lara wants the insurance giant to present evidence justifying the increase at a public hearing ...
A smoldering reaction under the Chiquita Canyon Landfill in Southern California has made its neighbors' lives miserable for almost three years.