Salim Said liked to shop at Nordstrom, where he would spend as much as $9,000 a month on clothes and other luxury goods in ...
Aimee Bock — the founder and executive director of Feeding Our Future — was one of 70 people charged in the case.
Salim Said is accused of stealing among the largest amounts of money from the federal child nutrition program through his ...
Salim Said is on trial with Feeding Our Future founder Aimee Bock this month. Said's lawyer said he is not prepared to ...
Prosecutors made a final plea Tuesday in their mission to convict alleged Feeding Our Future​ ringleader Aimee Bock​ and ...
During closing arguments, the prosecution said both defendants used the pandemic to get rich, saying the federal program as ...
The prosecution contends that Salim Said played a major role in the $250 million fraud, and tried to show he profited from ...
Said told the judge he wanted to testify in his own defense on Friday after co-defendant Aimee Bock, the founder of Feeding ...
Thirty-seven defendants have pleaded guilty and seven have been found guilty at trial as of March 19. Two were found not ...
Jurors have reached a verdict in the trial of Aimee Bock and Salim Said. Bock was the executive director of Feeding Our ...
Prosecutors said Feeding Our Future opened more than 250 Federal Child Nutrition Program sites, stealing $250 million. Said, who owned and operated Safari Restaurant, enrolled his restaurant in ...