The pope on Wednesday marked the start of Lent by receiving ashes on his forehead and by calling the parish priest in Gaza, ...
Vicksburg put the fun of Mardi Gras behind it as Lent officially began with Ash Wednesday across the River City and the rest ...
The decadence of Mardi Gras is behind us and many Christians will approach the season of Lent with a contrite heart and ...
While Emerson students only see (and eat) the final product, a lot occurs behind the scenes to ensure that the dining hall’s ...
Pastor Tony Ward at West End Presbyterian Church was one of many to distribute ashes today. He says Lent is a time for ...
One locally loved restaurant in Lafayette has added a tasty Lent-friendly menu option for those looking to skip the meat on ...
To begin the next 40 days of worship, Christians spent the morning at St. Pius the X for mass for Ash Wednesday ...
The 40 days of Lent (not including Sundays) are a time for Christians to reflect, improve their spiritual lives, and prepare their hearts for the Easter season. On Ash Wednesday and all Fridays in ...
Members of the Rome Fire Department joined Catholics across Central New York and worldwide to celebrate Ash Wednesday. The Very Rev. Sean P. O’Brien of St. Peter’s Church ...
Wednesday, March 5, marks the beginning of the Lenten season. Crews will be on site to work on the issue. During that time, ...
Thousands of revelers in outlandish costumes filled the streets of New Orleans as the city celebrated Mardi Gras Day despite ...
For Christians, the death and resurrection of Jesus is a pivotal event commemorated each year during a season of preparation called Lent and a season of celebration called Easter. The day that begins ...