At first glance, it might seem odd for a writer as ambitious and celebrated as Marlon James (who won the Man Booker Prize in ...
Jamaica’s colonial past looms large in Get Millie Black, infusing social interactions with copious intersecting binaries: ...
Now James has turned his hand to original crime drama with miniseries Get Millie Black (Channel 4, from Wednesday March 5, ...
The show is primarily set in Jamaica and was filmed on location on the Caribbean island, with some scenes shot in London.
Channel 4's brand new crime drama, Get Millie Black, isn't to be confused with Death in Paradise, according to series creator ...
Luke Holborn is a detective from Scotland Yard who follows Millie to Jamaica. Promoted quickly, he’s there with the mission ...
Channel 4's new crime drama is being celebrated as 'five star TV' in gushing reviews from critics and viewers alike.
Get Millie Black stars have opened up about the potential future of the Channel 4 and HBO drama, following the conclusion of season one.
Get Millie Black has reached its climax with fans desperate to know if there will be another series on the way.
Christopher Daley, who has previously appeared in Kingston Paradise, One Love and Femto 7K, plays Lance Stennet. Shernet ...
Get Millie Black is the Channel 4 thriller that has fans on the edge of their seats and as the show has now come to an end, viewers are eager to know if there will be a second season.
At first glance, it might seem odd for a writer as ambitious and celebrated as Marlon James (who ... The Hot Pinky Go Go club in ‘Get Millie Black’ (Channel 4) In James’s hands, Jamaica ...