In Houston, BBVA Chair Carlos Torres Vila underscored the expected sharp rise in energy demand, especially electricity, and the enormous investment needed in infrastructure and innovation to address ...
BBVA’s Chair, Carlos Torres Vila, took part this Friday in the annual forum of the Spanish Banking Association (AEB), where ...
BBVA has received the green light from the Spanish Securities and Exchange Commission (CNMV) to provide custody and execution ...
El ‘trading’ consiste en la compraventa de activos cotizados. Se realiza habitualmente en mercados líquidos y electrónicos y conlleva riesgos elevados. Tener una buena formación al respecto es ...
El sector de la aviación consume 380.000 millones de litros de combustible al año, lo que representa el 3% de las emisiones globales de CO2. Los combustibles sostenibles para la aviación (SAF) son la ...
The Bot Talent internal competition has demonstrated the creativity of BBVA employees to come up with innovative and secure ...
Un grupo de investigadores de la Universidad Agrícola de Yunnan (China) analizó datos genéticos de alrededor de 3.500 variedades de uva cultivadas y silvestres de todo el mundo. El objetivo era poder ...
The Group continued to grow steadily, while having a positive impact on society. Furthermore, BBVA successfully completed a ...
The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Music and Opera category has gone in this 17th edition to Toshio ...
The use of ChatGPT Enterprise is already saving BBVA employees an average of two hours of work per week. In tandem, the bank ...
BBVA ha elegido a BloombergNEF para impulsar la sostenibilidad en el banco y fortalecer sus capacidades en transición energética. El acuerdo permitirá a los profesionales de BBVA acceder a los ...