Is the commission still able to do its job amid unceasing questions about election fairness, continued calls to fire top ...
Short takes, outtakes, our takes and other stuff you should know about public information, government accountability and ...
It's important to recognize the responsibility that comes with using fireworks. But we should be able to find a way to have ...
The state Salary Commission is poised to give lawmakers and other state officials big pay raises. But it needs to scale back ...
Will Caron is director of communications at the Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice, a policy research and ...
In 1970, a conference was held at the East-West Center on the future of Hawaiʻi. One moment dominated the days of intellectual discussion. A woman in the audience who was not on the discussion panel ...
Utilities and infrastructure are expected to add millions more but stadium developers would be expected to pay for those ...
The estimate does not include up to 1,200 jobs potentially lost at the University of Hawaiʻi or layoffs expected related to ...
It took nearly a year and a half to remove the ash and wreckage from commercial lots and residential properties and move it ...
A rare Mitsubishi Pajero Jr, “Flying Pug,” parked among other trucks and SUVs at Sakura Cars showroom in Honolulu.
A website, a hula show and historical markers throughout Honolulu aim to celebrate and memorialize the history of the gay ...
At a press conference late Thursday, Honolulu Police Department Lt. Deena Thoemmes said the children — ages 6, 5, 3 and 2 — ...