Dallas Police Department
The Police Department is dedicated to serving the people of Dallas and strives to reduce crime and provide a safe city.
Division - Dallas Police Department
The Dallas Police Department is dedicated to providing the highest quality law enforcement possible. This site is another in the Department's long list of interactive endeavors with the citizens of Dallas.
Join DPD - Dallas Police Department
The Dallas Police Department in Dallas, Texas is hiring law enforcement officers! This page provides information about salary, qualifications and hiring process for our police officer jobs.
Reports - Dallas Police Department
The Police Department is dedicated to serving the people of Dallas and strives to reduce crime and provide a safe city.
About - Home - Dallas Police Department
The Police Department is dedicated to serving the people of Dallas and strives to reduce crime and provide a safe city.
About - Contact - Dallas Police Department
Dallas Crime Commission: 214-965-9000: Police Review Board: 214-965-9000: Social Services: 214-670-4225: Victim's Outreach: 214-358-5173: Police Media Relations
About - Mission Statement - Dallas Police Department
The Police Department, in serving the people of Dallas, strives to reduce crime and provide a safe city by: Recognizing that its goal is to help people and provide assistance at every opportunity; Providing preventive, investigative, and enforcement services;
Division Contacts - Dallas Police Department
Dallas Police Department Northwest Division 9801 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75220 Tel 214-670-6178
Public Information - Dallas Police Department
Questions pertaining to traffic fatalities or offenses involving a vehicle, contact the Dallas Police Department's Vehicle Crimes Unit (214) 670-5817. Please Note: Interpretation services can be obtained for more than 240 languages.
Crime Information Home - Dallas Police Department
The goal of the Dallas Police Department is to reduce crime and provide a safe city for the citizens of Dallas. In addition to enforcement, crime prevention is a top priority for the Department. As citizens, you can be a tremendous help in the area of crime prevention.